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Holiday Advertising Strategies: How to Use Video Ads to Skyrocket Sales |   18 Sep, 2024

Transform your Holiday Advertising with Video Ads

Let’s be honest: the holiday season is a retailer’s Super Bowl. Shoppers are primed to spend, and with online sales projected to reach a colossal $957.3 billion in 2024 alone, the opportunity is bigger than ever. But in a sea of digital Santas and flashing “limited-time offers,” how do you make your brand stand out and capture those holiday dollars?

The answer lies in strategic, engaging, and downright irresistible video ads. We’re not talking about slapping a bow on a product image and calling it a day. This is about crafting a holiday campaign that resonates with shoppers, builds excitement, and drives those coveted conversions. Think about it: 87% of consumers say they make faster purchase decisions when shopping on YouTube. That’s where your audience is, and that’s where your ads need to be.

If you are one of those who want to turn their holiday campaigns into a profit-generating sleigh ride, then we have a few holiday advertising strategies that might work well for your brand. However, before we do that, let’s clarify a few things that you should know.

Why Video Ads Are Your Holiday Cheer Squad

Remember those heartwarming holiday commercials that would draw you to the TV? There’s a reason those brands invested in video, and it’s the same reason why video needs to be a cornerstone of your holiday advertising arsenal:

Emotions Sell

Video lets you tell stories, raise those nice fuzzy feelings, and thereby create a connection that goes way beyond static pictures. And what’s more at the core of holidays, if not emotions? The nostalgia, the joy, the generosity—video helps get into those sentiments and makes your brand memorable.

Think of a classic holiday ad with a family coming together to decorate their home: the kids precariously hanging ornaments, the glowing-eyed adults lighting up the Christmas tree, and in the background, the warmth of a fireplace. Now, imagine just a single image within that very scene; it doesn’t quite fulfill it. Video brings that emotion alive!

Product Show-and-Tell

Videos are like your window into your digital storefront. You can showcase how your product works, outline key features, and answer common customer questions in a much more engaging way. You might not know this, but according to a study by Eyeview, adding videos to a landing page increases conversion rates by as much as 80%. That is no small potatoes, especially during the holiday rush.

Holiday Ad Hall of Fame: Campaigns That Still Sparkle

Need some creative fuel? Let’s take a page from the holiday ad playbooks of these iconic brands:


Those iconic red trucks, the heartwarming music, and the simplified message of holiday cheer: Coca-Cola’s “Holidays Are Coming” campaign is pretty much synonymous with the season. What do you get? Consistent branding, a spoonful of happy nostalgia, and a jingle that burrows deep into everybody’s mind—yes, of course, in a good way!

The results? The Coca-Cola “Holidays Are Coming” campaign had captured global attention with its universal premise of joy and togetherness. For the UK, 44% of its people consider it the official start of the holiday season, and its catchy jingle stuck in the minds of 67% of viewers. Strong feelings evoked by this ad: 29% feel more nostalgic, 27% happy.

John Lewis

This British retailer has certainly got their act together when it comes to storytelling. Beautifully animated for the holidays with “The Bear and the Hare,” this ad is emotionally resonant and ridiculously share-worthy. In fact, it reminds us that holidays are all about more than just gifts; they’re about moments in time, shared.

The results? The John Lewis “Bear and the Hare” campaign was a major success, with over 12 million YouTube views. Additionally, themed merchandise, including soft toys and pajamas, sold out within 10 days, achieving a 97% sell-through rate.


Apple’s holiday ads are all about capturing the magic of creativity and self-expression. Their “Share Your Gifts” campaign wasn’t about pushing products; it was about celebrating the human spirit and the joy of sharing during the holidays.

The common thread? These campaigns tap into emotions, tell stories, and offer something relatable that goes beyond a sales pitch.

The results? Apple’s “Share Your Gifts” became the most-viewed Christmas ad of 2018, accumulating over 24 million YouTube views within a week of its release. As would be expected from such a highly appreciative and engaged audience, viewers loved the ad, with hardly any negative comments to be found.

Your Holiday Shopping Ad Battle Plan: Strategies That Deliver

If you’re ready to make this your most successful holiday season yet, here’s your checklist for developing holiday shopping ad campaigns that break through the holiday shopping crowd:

1. Don’t Be a Last-Minute Elf: Start Early!

This year, it’s more important than ever to be an early bird. With Thanksgiving falling later in November, you have five fewer shopping days between Cyber 5 and Christmas. Launching your holiday campaigns in September or October will allow you to capture those deliberate shoppers who start their holiday planning early (34% began in July 2024!). Silverpush’s Mirrors solution can help your brand reach these early planners by targeting the most relevant online content and maximizing your campaign’s impact right from the start.

2. Get Personal: It’s Not You, It’s Me (Your Ads)

Nobody wants to feel like just another name on a mailing list. As 24% of consumers rank personalization as the most important factor for holiday shopping, and 83% of consumers are interested in customized offers. Personalizing your ads based on people’s online behaviors is essential. As cookieless solutions gain traction, AI’s contextual targeting ensures your ads appear in relevant online environments. Innovative video ads can further enhance these personalized messages, making them more engaging.

3. Win Back Those Wandering Shopping Carts

We’ve all been there—loading up those online carts only to get distracted before checkout. Retargeting ads are your best avenue for reminding them about the treasures left behind. You can rekindle the shopping spark with holiday-themed offers, free shipping, and even a discount code. Using Crafters, you can create engaging, interactive retargeting ads that remind customers of what they’re missing, driving them back to complete their purchases.

4. Embrace the Warmth of Nostalgia

There are very few things that tug at the heartstrings, like holiday nostalgia. Some real imagery, music, messaging—just delivering up those warm, fuzzy memories: think crackling fireplaces and fresh pine needles with classic holiday tunes playing in your mind.

5. Create a Little (Harmless) Urgency

“Limited-time offer!” “Don’t miss out!” These phrases are music to a shopper’s ears, especially during the holidays. Use limited-time discounts, flash sales, or bundle deals to incentivize those purchases and create a sense of excitement. Remember, 85% of online shoppers keep tabs open, waiting for sales to begin. With Silverpush’s contextual targeting, you can place these urgent offers precisely where they’ll have the most impact, catching potential customers at the perfect moment.

Prepare for Holiday Advertising with Silverpush

AI-driven video ad solutions from Silverpush empower digital advertising campaigns, especially during peak holiday seasons in 2024.

Our flagship product, Mirrors AI allows for contextual relevance that deep dives in content across platforms like YouTube, thereby pinpointing the most impactful moments to place ads. This kind of targeting minimizes ad waste and maximizes engagement for more conversions.

The creative intelligence solution – Crafters, on the other hand, focuses on innovative video ads, significantly boosting viewer engagement and conversion rates, with completion rates as high as 90% and click-through rates up to 10 times higher. The personalized, interactive experience helps brands stand out in a crowded market.

Silverpush’s AI-driven personalization taps into consumer behavior, offering tailored recommendations, which 36% of 2024 holiday shoppers seek. This omnichannel approach ensures a consistent brand message across all touchpoints, maximizing reach and impact. Additionally, Silverpush crafts holiday-specific campaigns that resonate with diverse shoppers’ mindsets, driving stronger customer connections and increased sales.

To Sum Up

The holiday season is a prime opportunity for your business to shine. By crafting strategic, engaging, and emotionally resonant ads, you can attract holiday shoppers, build brand loyalty, and watch your sales soar. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about creating memorable experiences and spreading holiday cheer.

Seize the season with advanced tools and holiday advertising strategies to make your holiday campaigns stand out. Start early, personalize, retarget, and embrace the festive spirit. With the right approach, this holiday season can be your most successful yet.

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