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Consumer Trends Report Q1 2025 Download Now New

Ford wins over competition with contextual video advertising using Mirrors!


Create optimal real-time engagement with target audience engaging with competition related video content, through context relevant contextual ad placements.


Ford wanted to run competition-based video advertising for its recently facelifted car models. And was looking to move away from keyword and affinity-based targeting, as it often resulted in irrelevant ad placements, less than optimal brand engagement, and compromised brand safety.

The Silverpush strategy using Mirrors
Produced targeting results 170% higher than past campaigns

Silverpush helped Ford serve ads in-line with content the users were actively engaging with. Silverpush contextually identified competition related content through Mirrors in-video object and logo detection capabilities, mapping thousands of videos against these filters, that produced targeting results 170% higher than past campaigns.

The science behind Mirrors

While most in-video advertising platforms are limited to using keyword and affinity-based targeting, Mirrors uses AI powered computer vision that helps in drawing the right context within a video in real-time.

Mirrors in-video context detection helps you control where your ads are running

Since moments in video viewing, where an audience is most susceptible to suggestion are elusive and cannot be really measured, Mirrors targets content that is being watched right now, not content that has previouslybeen watched. Making the contextual targeting the most effective, in real-time.

How Mirrors enabled ford to target competitor brands with in-video context detection

Mirrors in-video context detection led to context relevant ad placements, at the moment when the consumer was engaging with competitor’s content.

Online traffic and response were analysed in real-time, and accordingly delivery was skewed over the most receptive audience.


Mirrors unlocked a whole new set of audience for Ford and helped the brand serve highly contextual ads in a brand safe environment.

  • Context relevant targeting: Mirrors made it possible to accurately target video content that featured competitor brands, which is not fully possible using standard content targeting
  • Capitalized on the users’ current state of mind: Mirrors served ads to the relevant audience in line with content they were engaging with, not based on past searches or affinities.
  • Brand Safety: The built-in brand safety mechanism coupled with campaign based contextual targeting, filtered undesired content that can potentially evoke negative emotions like crashes, accidents, drinking, nudity and more.

Impact in Numbers

View Through Rates

  • 45%

High View Rates

  • ~ 67% of total impressions viewed the in-stream ads till 50% mark

Click through Rates

  • - A 170% higher CTR Vs benchmark